18 November 2012

The Urban Farm

Healthy food sources increasingly in demand by the public. This could be an indication that the availability of healthy food sources should also be held that the supply of food sources are available. One concrete efforts to provide healthy food sources is to make the urban farm system that does not use synthetic chemical fertilizers.

The perpetrators of the urban farm deliberately to stop using synthetic chemicals for crops and are committed to making organic farming and environmentally friendly.

Organic sources for the urban farm, one of them by using the processed manure and managed by a group of the urban farm. Manure is produced from cow manure which is then processed in such a way that it can be used as manure fertilizes the soil without destroying it. Organic fertilizers unlike chemical fertilizers, which can damage the environment for a long time.

For availability of organic fertilizer, a week can produce as much as 2 tons. Thus, all the urban farm products, especially vegetables that are organically produced.

Urban communities should be able to utilize the land no matter how narrow the urban farm crop land, in order to meet daily food needs. With the urban farm, urban communities to build self-sufficiency particularly in food fulfillment.
It was raised in the farm yard event technical guidance conducted on land owned by a group of the urban farm.

With the use of the yard in the urban areas more narrow, it can help people to maximize their potential in the urban farm. This is possible because the culture of the agrarian society in general and soil fertility. Moreover, with the urban farm, the public can meet the demand for agricultural commodities, such as vegetables.

Therefore urban communities who are trying to capitalize on an increasingly narrow land deserves to be given support and assistance, in order to commercialize the urban farm can thrive. The idea of ​​the use of agricultural land for urban yard, at the instigation of one of the community leaders, which have shown that the development of the urban farm is possible to do in their yards.

With the use of their yards can help urban communities which are very diverse backgrounds can come together to develop the urban farm. In a relatively narrow area at this time prepared lemon seeds, chili, spinach, mustard greens and tomatoes are expected to assist in meeting their needs.

It is said that the vegetable is one type of the urban farm are easy to develop and produce economic benefits, particularly for members of the group. The first stage to meet the needs of members, and to the surrounding community.

We are convinced that urban farm will help the community's economy. Moreover, in these locations can be a place of urban farm education, for urban communities do not know who started farming systems and patterns. Utilizing their yards for the urban farm, it would be more meaningful than the left at all.


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